Tool for SMART Status

I have an inexpensive test server that includes Intel's built in RAID functionality on the motherboard (Intel Rapid Storage Technology enterprise). This is a simple RAID controller that allows me to run RAID 10 on the server and have a bunch of virtual machines. However, it has a tendency every few months or so, to drop a drive from the array.

When a drive drops, I want to see the SMART status of the drive. This allows me to see the physical status of the drive and determine whether the drive is failing. However, the Intel management tool for the controller does not show the SMART status for the individual drives. Kind of a big oversight in my mind. Also, many tools that you can download to view SMART status don't work when RAID is enabled.

Today I found a nice open source utility for Windows to view the SMART status that works with this RAID controller. It is hddguardian. You can get it here:
Here is a screenshot:


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