Exchange 2010 Mailbox Permissions

I freely admit that I don't do much with mailbox permissions and I've been stuck in thinking about them much like I did in Exchange 2003. That is, that you can give people the following permission to a mailbox:
  • Send As
  • Send on Behalf Of
  • Full Mailbox (Receive As)
Those permissions have been around for a long time and you can use them in combination to provide someone with access to a mailbox and the ability to send as that mailbox. This is useful for shared mailbox or sometime when an assistant needs to do things on behalf of someone. It can also be useful for vacation coverage.

In class this week I was asked about applying read only permissions to a mailbox and thought it could not be done. Turns out I was wrong.

In Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007, you can use the Add-MailboxPermission cmdlet to assign read only access to an entire mailbox. If you want to assign permission to just a subfolder within the mailbox you can use the Add-MailboxFolderPermission cmdlet. The Add-MailboxFolderPermission cmdlet is new in Exchange 2010 SP1.


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