Hyper-V Manager from a Non-Domain Computer
As part of a project I'm working on, I need to remote control a Hyper-V guest using Hyper-V Manager installed on a Vista computer that is not part of the domain. Basically, I don't want to put my regular workstation into my test domain. After a bit of pain, the simplest solution I found is this:
- Create an account in the domain running Hyper-V that has the exact same logon name and password as the account being used on the Vista computer.
- Configure COM on the Vista computer to allow anonymous remote connections.
Then BOOM! It works. And you can do your screen recordings remotely.
For click-by-click instructions on the configuring COM, see step 7 in this blog: http://blogs.technet.com/jhoward/archive/2008/03/28/part-2-hyper-v-remote-management-you-do-not-have-the-requested-permission-to-complete-this-task-contact-the-administrator-of-the-authorization-policy-for-the-computer-computername.aspx
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