Error Using PowerShell Direct
If you've not heard of it, PowerShell Direct is a nifty new way that you can connect with virtual machines on a Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V host. PowerShell Direct lets you enter PowerShell remoting sessions or invoke commands on a VM from the Hyper-V without requiring network connectivity. To enter a PowerShell remoting session: Enter-PSSession -VMName NameOfVM I've played with this a bit before and it's pretty cool. I've never had any issues with it. However, today when working with some VMs provided for a course I'm working on I got longer version of this error when trying to connect: Enter-PSSession : An error has occurred which Windows PowerShell cannot handle. A remote session might have ended. + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CreateRemoteRunspaceForVMFailed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.EnterPSSessionCommand This same error message is provided if your authentication credentials fail. So, I reset the local administrator password on the VM, but no fix....