Adding an Additional Distribution Group Manager/Owner
In Exchange 2010 a group owner/manager is modified by using Set-DistributionGroup with the ManagedBy parameter. You can also configure this parameter in the Exchange Management Console in the properties of the group. Only users can be listed here, not groups. However, you can add multiple users. If you are updating only a single distribution group then the graphical interface in the Exchange Management Console works well. If you have many distribution groups to update then you will probably be scripting the process in the Exchange Management Shell. In the Exchange Management Shell, you allow multiple managers of a distribution list by including them as a comma separated list as shown below: Set-DistributionGroup Accounting -ManagedBy Jeff,Susan However, it becomes a bit more complicated if you want to add a new person as a group manager. Overall, you need to obtain the list of current managers in a variable, add the new user, and then set the ManagedBy parameter using the entire array....