Exchange 2010 SP1 on Win 2008 (not as easy as I thought)
Yesterday was my first time to get an install of Exchange 2010 SP1 up and running in a production environment with Windows 2008 as the OS. I ran into a few hiccups and would like to share. In this particular project, the original OS install was done by someone else. This may have caused part of my confusion as I didn't closely checkout the installation before starting. This is an Exchange 2003 environment where Exchange 2010 is being added and coexistence will continue for about a week. Exchange 2010 was installed from the Exchange 2010 SP1 download rather than any sort of upgrade. During the installation, an option exists to install necessary prerequisites. I figured I'd try it out and see. Unfortunately, even on a fully patched Windows 2008 server, I was still forced to download 6 hotfixes and additional chunks of software. I don't recally downloading any of these for Windows 2008 R2. So, it may be OS specific. The Web server role was added, but did not have the necessary...